Valentine’s Day & the 6 benefits of being loving

About Valentine’s Day:

Happy Valentine’s Day folks! Have you ever wondered, “What is so great about Valentine’s day?” Or, “what is the benefit of being loving to someone else or even myself?”

Let me share with you, but before that, Valentine’s day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14 which originated as a Western Christian ceremonial feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus (third-century Roman saint), and it is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world.

It is a day where love is in the air! The day of compassion and empathy celebrated in almost all countries. In fact, love needs to be shown at every moment towards everyone. Not only to the one person you are courting but also to every other relationship, like family, friends, relatives, and even strangers.

Imagine a world without war but only LOVE; how peaceful. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………


Description of love:

According to Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis said we humans act according to the pain or pleasure principle, where the pleasure principle is the instinctual seeking of pleasure and avoiding of pain in order to satisfy biological and psychological needs that arises from the id (one of three parts described in our mental  phase). Now you know why the desire to love someone or something
arises; because of pleasure and to avoid pain from “break-ups”, avoidance and even divorce.

So if you want any kinds of relationships to last long or ‘forever’, provide more
pleasure in it then pain (which may be needed at times).








Before we go into the benefits, sit back, and enjoy my short Valentine’s day video:



There are lots of benefits we can describe but let me list you 6 basic benefits of being loving:

1. Increases Emotional Regulation
First and for most being loving creates in you positive emotions that in turn creates lots more benefits in you
e.g Enhancing the neurotransmitter, Oxytocin, which is associated with empathy, trust, sexual activity, and relationship-building. It helps you take away all negative emotions which brings you a “heaven” lots of problems, especially protecting your confidence within yourself from the naysayers. . Cool or not? Les Brown,  an American motivational speaker, author, radio DJ, former television host, and former politician quoted that “Do not let someone else opinion of you, become your reality”.

(Let me share more about the benefit and how you can enhance Oxytocin and other neurotransmitters in the future blog)

2.  Increases your Empathy
Being loving improves our relationship, as we tend to be less critical and more accepting. It helps to tame the temptation in our feeling at times to argue with our loved ones on what we think is right from our own knowledge and experience. However, it turns out to better when we are flexible and empathising towards others, especially loved ones to enjoy a good relationship. Everyone is unique in their own way, let’s understand other’s strengths and support each other towards success.

Buckminster Fuller, an American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor stated that “Degrees of accuracy are only degrees of refinement that in no way affects the fundamental reliability, which refers, as directional sense toward centralized truths. Truth is a relationship”.

Thus, being empathetic towards our relationship is more important to be right most of the times, for a successful relationship;)

3. Being positive
Do you know you tend to be more positive when being loving? Being loving attracts positive things and positive people. It will also attract positive situations which will make your day AWESOME. (not that u shouldn’t do anything about the negative situation, but positivity will help you to find brighter ideas to solve those situations). It was quoted by Benjamin Frankalin who was the Founding Fathers of the United States leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat that “Positive Energy and persistence conquer all things”.

4. Better immune system & mental health
Being loving improves your immune system! A recent study showed that a five-minute episode of feeling genuine care or compassion enhanced the whole immune system, causing a gradual increase in the
release of immunoglobulin A (IgA), your body’s natural antibody against colds, flu, and other invading germs. Even being involved in the activity of love, like having fun with your family at the dining table, bowling with your friends, greeting your neighbors, and even helping a stranger increases levels of IgA. According to Karl A. Menninger an American psychiatrist quoted that “Love cures people, both to the ones who give it and receives it”.

Not only that but also fewer doctor’s visits as it helps to lower your level of stress, anxiety, depression, & even your blood pressure to a healthy one.

5. Increases the “youthful” look
Wanna look younger? Say no to those chemical-based facial creams and things like “Botox” (disclaimer: neutral about it). Because just by being loving! does the “trick”

The research found that being loving causes your heart to pump out that neurotransmitter/hormone in your blood called, adrenaline. This adrenaline is a substance that is released in the body of a person who is feeling a strong emotion and that causes the heart to beat faster and gives the person more energy, excitement, strength, and alertness.

Hence, increasing blood flow to the skin, causes an increment in the supply of essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, making you look healthier. Charles Augustus Lindbergh was an American aviator, military officer, author, inventor, and activist quoted that It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane”.      

6. Reduces your pain
Do you know, being loving reduces the level of pain you are facing? This is because of a chemical name Endorphin which is released by your body when it interacts with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce your perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine.

They are manufactured in your brain, spinal cord, and many other parts of your body and are released in response to brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, by having hearty laughter, have sex, savoring some chocolate, listening to good music and etc… Rachel Emily Nichols, an American actress, and model quote that “It doesn’t matter if you are sad, hung-over or lazy. A workout(of any kind) will get your endorphin-pumping and you will feel like a new person almost instantly”.

Love & be-loved:

Whether you find yourself with a romantic partner, family members, or friends, these special connections have actually proven to be beneficial to our well-being.So let’s spent quality time with our loved ones and enjoy the day full of love. Not only that let’s spread our ability to love and to be-loved with humans out there who wants and need to be loved.

We sometimes spent a huge amount of our money to gift our date, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, or any of our loved ones.
Why not use that same amount of money for people, who also need them for other important needs like food, water, or shelter to protect them.

So love others, and be loved:)









Here is a short summary of everything said:

    1. Introduction Of Valentine’s Day
    2. Description of love
    3. Benefits of being loving
    4. Love & be loved

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3 replies
  1. Irene
    Irene says:

    “We sometimes spent huge amount of our money to gift our date, girlfriend or wife.
    Why not use that same amount of money for people, who also needs them for other important needs like food, water, or a shelter to protect him or her.” : This sentence will make everyone a turning point to think . Well said !!!

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