The 1 simple way that will excite you during festivities without the “wild” parties
Bored of doing the same routine for your yearly festivities? Excitement for it had died out? Be it Chinese new year, Hari Raya, Christmas or Deepavali,these are days of joy to celebrate and enjoy the fascination of it. But what if it is the same old routine every year, you visiting your relatives, family, and friends and vice versa? I understand it is ‘dead’ boring, with the lethargic feel creeping in wanting you stay at home and keeping your eyes glued to the television. And the worst part is they are telecasting the same old movies you already catch in “ONLINE ILLEGAL MOVIE WEBSITE”. Shhhhhhhh! Ok ok, I am not revealing the secret. But that it is the fact.
Readers: Then what should I do?
Good question. There are various of things which you can do in time of “boredness” during your festive season especially. Useful things of course! As Nick Vuijicic, the motivational speaker without limbs says,”If you don’t get a miracle, be a miracle”, likewise if you don’t get fun during your festive season, then you can create fun in the festive season of others.
Our activity:
Yes, that was what we did. We organised a Deepavali event 2016, for clients residing on part-time care services in Serving People with Disabilities (SPD).There were a lot of programs and activities in stored for the clients in that centre. There were dance, songs, magic tricks, card illusions and even challenges held up for them. We also had prize presentation to the winners of the challenge and appreciation for our new volunteers. Above all there were a collation of birthday celebration for clients from different months. A celebration within another celebration, sweet.
And the magic tricks and card illusions was done by Jackie, the magic + cardistry artist who is also performing for events outside of his full-time job. He did an awesome job to amaze the crowd, “even me”, partially because he did everything with only his one abled hand.Despite being physically challenged, he still put in big effort to master what he wanted to do, and does it like a “KING“!
All of the clients individually has different forms of disabilities, e.g. cerebellum palsy, stroke, brain injury, and etc.. Some are wheelchair bounded for life, and other aided equipment. And a SURPRISE, I was actually previously from there. As mentioned, because of my brain injury, spine injury and etc.. So what, I gave myself one and a half year before getting myself discharged from the place, followed by many other successes.
Many like me in the center have when through many challenges and are going through many challenges and are achieving success in it. Indeed many others outside the center are facing various challenges in life. Simply, believe you can and you will. This is one of the photo where the clients despite their own challenge, actually took on the game challenge.

Dance Challenge
Readers: What can we do for them or people in need?
Simple! just invest your time to meet the needs of people. It will be great if you have spare cash to elaborate your help, but it will not be necessary. Just your time and your means to help. I believe even when you see your next door old-aged neighbour, slipped and fell cause of the wet floor, you will be going forth to assist despite rushing to meet your friends waiting for you to a movie? I hope this the case:P
Reader: What is my benefit of doing this?
Yes some will do this because of their altruistic character but some may do this for certain reasons. But as mentioned in my “About” page and the earlier blog, there are the few advantages of investing your time for causes like this.
They are:
A reason to show your responsible & caring side to whoever or whatever social groups.
Need a self-esteem raise.
Get new contacts, network with others & improve your CV.
Enhance the opportunity for your personal growth & development.
Learn, apply or develop those skills you have.
Share your values with others.
I am sure you A.N.G.L.E.S agree this reasons will definitely benefit all in some ways and will love to do this. Alright let me summarise everything I have told you thus far.
- I have talked about your boring and routine festivals which you can do something worthwhile instead. Like helping and volunteering for those in need, and celebrating these festivals with them to brighten up their day.
- I have also mentioned the event we ‘BelieverS’ organised, and the various programmes in it. “We had a lot of fun though. And seeing the smiles on the faces of the clients gave me a wide smile”.
- I explained how and the ways of helping people in need and the benefits/advantages you will be getting for doing this.
I believe you enjoyed the contents of this blog and I have convinced you on the importance of volunteering and helping. I am actually keeping aside 5% (or more depending on my profit dividing the profit of the host of each services) of the profit I get from various services you purchased to charity organisations or welfare organisations, which are cool and definitely useful for every individual. If you do support helping people, have no spare time or needs a boost of your well-being, fitness, beauty, events, etc.. please visit our service page and look out what is best for you. And definitely do have fun helping others;)
Do share with us your stories of challenges to success in any situation (with pics if possible) in, we will do a blog about it. Your story will encourage and motivate others to achieve success too!
==============> SERVICES<==============
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Awsome blog! I am loving it!! Will be back later to read some more. I am bookmarking your feeds also.
Hey thank you ShenequaKl. Glad you loved it. Will write in more blogs, stay tune for ways to grow your believe. Till then watch this video of the importance of nurturing your belief system,
Believe in yourself. Beyond your limits. Become your best.