“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think is a much greater hunger; a much greater proverty, than the person who has nothing to eat”. Does this phrase sound familiar or touching? It is from the “mother” of Calculata, the noble Mother Therasa. Who started a charity missionaries for people dying of serious illnesses, children, families and many more.
Yes, every soul in this earth needs and wants love, not only about the intimate love that I am referring about but also the love from your environment, like from your parents, siblings, friends, relatives and even strangers. But from my awareness I realize that the people in the world in current is lacking in showing love to every human kind we meet. Instead it is being shown to material things and trying to obtain it or the mistaken perception we have on each other. Isn’t the phrase familiar, “I am busy!”. Imagine, a child go to his dad, and says “Can you bring me to the playground?”, Dad says “I am busy”, or the wife says, ” it’s been very long since we went for a date, on a long ride, should we?, and husband replies, “I am busy”. It’s nasty. But BelieverS wasn’t busy to show someone they are wanted, loved and cared for.

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