Zero to Hero – Arshad (Adam Levine)
A Fun fact, Adam Levine (an American singer, songwriter, and actor; the lead singer for the pop rock band Maroon 5) had ADHD.
Welcome back readers, I believe you were inspired by Lily – the Beethoven, a deaf individual who creates an inclusive society and promotes deaf awareness through sign languages. Today, let me introduce you to Muhammad Arshad Fawwaz an awesome individual who accomplished great heights, despite his challenges. Curious? Let us read on.
How do you feel when you have your own youtube channel? Being musically trained by a vocal coach, Deke Sharon from Pentatonix (A America a-cappella group), and Dylan Foster the vocal instructor, from the world’s most famous a cappella groups, Flying Pickets. And create your own short film, despite being AUTISTIC?!

Arshad with vocal coach Deke Sharon.
I can certainly tell you how I feel when meeting someone in Singapore who has Autism and ADHD, accomplishing these feats. Shocked?!
Wait, that’s not all! Muhammad Arshad was part of “That Accapella Group”, one of the top 10 acapella groups in Singapore. “That Accappella Group”, has performed for F1 and meeting racers such as Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton. According to Lewis Hamilton, the performance was “Dope!”

Arshad is the third person from the left
His ‘fame’ actually started when he was young, where he modeled for a “little Man-hunt” contest which happened in Forum Shopping Centre, Orchard, judged by one of the judges, Fandi Ahmad’s wife, Wendy Jacobs.
Do you know, in 2018 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC, the leading national public health institute of the United States) determined that approximately 1 in 59 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls. Most children were still being diagnosed after age 4, though autism can be reliably diagnosed as early as age 2.

Arshad and Mum
Muhammad Arshad was born on 16 May 1997 to parents who got divorced when he was 1 year old and has a paternal side, half-brother and a half-sister now.
Arshad was a hyperactive child who tends to disturb people and was often restless. His family did not know of his condition until he was 7. Only after being diagnosed by a psychologist from MOE due to suspects from a few teachers of his mental health. (more details below)
Arshad was from Northspring Primary School at first.
At Northspring Primary School, it was a difficult time for Arshad. Most students were trying to avoid him, he also constantly got bullied by the upper primary students. They would take advantage of his high energy and vulnerability by tasking him to do ridiculous things like yelling vulgarity (unawarely) in class and walking away.
Arshad also had challenges focusing in class, he would skip classes by walking around school peeking into other classes, making funny faces.
Some of his teachers would ignore him as they simply thought he was trying to be funny.
There would even be arrangements made for Arshad to do his tests and examinations away from his other classmates, in another classroom. One of the reason is that he takes a longer time to finish up his exams on every subject he did. Hence, extra time was given to him by the Ministry Of Education which allowed him to think and do his exams in his comfortable time but sometimes left alone with the teacher in charge.
One day, Samuel(not his real name) a bully in primary school mischievously teased Arshad. The bully teased Arshad to the point, which got him angry. The angry Arshad then went straight to the school library, picked Samuel’s bag and threw it down to the first floor. There was a loud “thud” sound that caught the attention of the surrounding teachers. Immediately, Arshad was sent to the Principal’s office.
Arshad risked expulsion, but before that happened a teacher in the school suspected Arshad of having a mental condition and referred him to undertake medical tests. That was when, as said earlier he was diagnosed by the MOE psychologist after the medical test of having ADHD in primary 1 and then diagnosed as having Autism – Asperger syndrome in Primary 5. His mother was advised to bring him to CDC (child guidance clinic).
He was then asked to transfer to Pathlight school (a special school for high-functioning children with autism).
Arshad spent his primary 5 to Secondary 4 education in Pathlight school (a special school for high-functioning children with autism, located in Ang Mo Kio, Singapore). Pathlight was different and catered to Arshad’s needs. Students in Pathlight have unique personality and struggles, this made Arshad feel normal. The students were closely monitored as the class size was just 8 students to 2 teachers. Furthermore, teachers in Pathlight were understanding and capable of caring for the students with special needs. They were very professional, made sure to give confidence to all students in every activity they conduct and produced calming sessions to sooth autism.

Pathlight School class photo
However, the issue of running away from class persisted with Arshad. This time his teacher went after him. Knowing that the challenge to focus in class was the reason he keeps running off, Arshad’s teacher, let’s call him Mr. Tan (not his real name), went the extra mile to make lessons more interesting and engaging. Mr.Tan used visual pictures, bright colors and had interactive activities. Mr. Tan even told Arshad that he is there for Arshad and can approach him with any challenges. This made Arshad feel significant and cared for.

Students from Pathlight School, WOWING the crowd at Far East Plaza
Arshad’s musical talents were honed in Pathlight. His pursue in singing started when he won the 3rd place in a singing competition called, Pathlight Idol. He was also a member of Pathlight School House Jam. And took part in a musical programme named ‘Street Clap’ which was hosted by CDC at Far East Plaza Pathlight musical. Arshad also performed in SOTA (School Of The Arts) with the musical band from Havard University, located in USA, Cambridge.|
Arshad was also among one of the highest scoring students in PSLE and had the best score for N-levels for his class. That’s not all, before graduating to ITE Arshad created and acted in a short film named “Peer tutor” <- click to check it out.
Arshad went on to ITE where he pursued animation. Being back to studying with regular students, he faced loneliness and was bullied by them. Nevertheless, he continued to pursue music as he found joy and companion in it. It is also a space for him to let go of any inhibitions and let whatever which appears to him flow out through his singing.
He joined Acoustic Band, magic and ‘That Accapella Group’ performing for numerous events.
‘That Accapella Group’ also won top 3 positions in competitions.
He even did magic in Vivocity for the public and at an old age home for the vulnerable elderlies.
Arshad is working towards being an actor and a singer like Singapore’s national award-winning singer-songwriter, record producer, music composer and performer Shabir (whose works are predominantly in Tamil).
He also auditioned for Disney in acting, ‘Final 1 SG’, ‘ASIA GOT TALENT’, and Xfactor for singing.
Not only that, currently he writes and record his own religious songs, creates music with own voice, and sings. He has his own youtube channel too, check it out. Youtube Channel – Arshad Fawwaz. <- click to check it out.
He has also done an acting and emceeing workshop, as an assistant trainer with various training companies after being certified by the Ministry Of Education (MOE),
as an instructor and an ambassador with the “I don’t mind” <- (click to check it out) program which is a mental health awareness program, working to break down the barrier of stigma and to bring help to those who needs it.
With all his challenges and loneliness, it’s amazing to see what Arshad has achieved. This is what he has to say:
“There’s a lot of people who are really scared of what other people think. I feel that at times too. But when I tune in to what feels important to me in 2019, the answer comes back to my head loud and clear. MAKE MORE MUSIC! Therefore, I am going to do exactly that. From someone who grew up thinking I wasn’t musically inclined, this feels incredibly exciting and shows me another example of how anything is possible. Hence I might as well think BIG and FOCUS on that!”
– Muhammad Arshad Fawwaz
His message to the world is:
“If you have the opportunity to follow your passion, take it, even if there are risks. You will never know until you try!”
Well said. So, follow your passion and do not be afraid to try.
Do share with us your stories of challenges to success in any situation in, I will do a blog about it. Your story will encourage and motivate others to achieve success too!